Adventures in Asexuality

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

2005: the Year of the Asexual?

Oh yeah, I'm calling it right now.

I'm gonna make this my year: grab my asexuality by the horns and make something out of it for once. Lemonade, perhaps, or whatever the old adage is.

What did the old wives know about asexuality, anyway?

No matter. This year I resolve to determine what exactly it is that I want in a significant other, or whether I actually want a significant other at all. I resolve to be straightforward and honest about my asexuality with any future dating prospects (and then watch them run for the door).

Okay, okay. I resolve to not be cynical and pessimistic about the prospects after I come clean about being asexual. I resolve not to sell myself short and date people I'm not really interested in, even if that means being single indefinitely. I resolve to be happy with being single, even to the point of

The abuse of grammar in the preceding sentence is making me weep.

I resolve to try to meet more people in general, men especially, because I recognize that I have trust issues with them and shouldn't shut them out of my life entirely. Oh, also, I resolve not to freak out and do irresponsible things when any of the above fails to yield immediate results.

As I look over everything I've just written, I have to admit that I am kind of freaking out. Am I ready for this? Am I ready for my big anonymous asexual coming out party?

Hey, hey!
I'm A!
I'm not getting laid and I'm here to stay!

Yeah, that'll do.


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