Whatchu' Talkin' 'Bout, Everyone.
I was inspired by Getupgrrl.
I was inspired by Celibate In The City.
I was inspired by the fact that I have an international flight to catch today and won't be going to sleep tonight.
Hello, my name is A-Sexy Mama, and I'm asexual. This is my blog.
I've decided that the best way to sort my thoughts out is to get them out in public and let strangers give me input on how to live my life. No, wait. To get them out in public and see how I grow and evolve over time (and see if I get the handsome yet sensitive and politically-aware prince with the white horse and the sunset in the end, maybe).
So let me start by saying Happy Christmas if you celebrate, and Happy Extra Day Off if you don't, and I'll get around to posting in a regular fashion in just a bit.
[The title of this post comes from the Christmas episode of The Simpsons I just watched, featuring the voice of Gary Coleman. Did you know he was a 30-year old virgin? Maybe he's asexual, too. I have no evidence of this, but hey, all the other minorities get to claim dubious champions for their causes - I say we take Gary!]
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